Axiom Engineering, Inc.
Excellent structural design is much more than simply following codes and standards and assembling typical details on a drawing. Excellent structural design begins with a thorough understanding of the project, the client's goals, and the ultimate use of the facility. The structural design engineer should be involved early in the design process to work with the architect, contractor or owner to be a positive influence in developing the project. The Structural Engineer can provide valuable input in the selection of materials and spacial design to maximize the efficiency of the materials in the structural system and enhance the constructability of the project.

Good structural design requires an awareness of the client's needs, the feasibility of construction, and project costs. The structural design should seek to maximize performance of the structural system within safe design limits to provide an efficient and economical solution. Axiom Engineering's engineers know how to work with design and construction professionals to integrate the structural design with the other building systems. Our extensive experience in the forensic field gives us insight into problems that commonly arise with buildings, and helps us to avoid potential problems with the building that can arise well after the design team and general contractor have left the site.
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